Wikipedia definition of Genus and Species...
'A genus (/ˈdʒiːnəs/, pl. genera) is a taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms in biology. In the hierarchy of biological classification, genus comes above species and below family. In binomial nomenclature, the genus name forms the first part of the binomial species name for each species within the genus.
- E.G., Felis catus and F. silvestris are two species within the genus Felis. Felis is a genus within the family Felidae.
The composition of a genus is determined by a taxonomist. The standards for genus classification are not strictly codified, so different authorities often produce different classifications for genera.
In biology, a species (abbreviated sp., with the plural form species abbreviated spp.) is one of the basic units of biological classification and ataxonomic rank. A species is often defined as the largest group of organisms where two individuals are capable of reproducing fertile offspring(hybrids), typically using sexual reproduction. While in many cases this definition is adequate, the difficulty of defining species is known as the species problem. For example, a species complex is a group of closely related species that are very similar in appearance to the point that the boundaries between them are often unclear.'
I want my animal to represent the 'make believe' or imagined, but also to embody all animals as a whole. This is important to my project as I want my work to evidence human dominance over animals in a range of ways through art work in the form of a cabinet of curiosities.
Latin Quotes: Belief, Trust
credo ut intelligam
I believe so that I may understand
cras credemus, hodie nihil
Tomorrow we believe, but not today
credo quia absurdum/impossible est
I believe it because it is absurd/impossible
crede quod habes, et habes
Believe that you have it, and you do
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Believe it, future generations (Horace)
I think the last phrase would be perfect as the name of my animal because it has only two words which is the general format for classifying Genus and Species for example Homo sapien. This phrase reinforces the idea that there if current and future generations learn from human-animal relations throughout history, about evolution and our strong connection to the rest of the animal kingdom, the way we view and treat animals has the potential to change in a fairer or less ignorant way.
My animal has been named...
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