Below are some images from my brain storm I created after selecting some key points from my essay and separating out some key themes and issues and want to possibly pursue further:

I started off looking at women in today's society. Most people my age feel that we are now basically equal. This is a huge problem as if you look at even a few statistics it becomes incredibly clear this is not the case.
I also watched Miss Representation which was really interesting and really good to actually see all the statistics. It is so important people today understand that there must be much more done to replace men with women in a lot of positions of power. It is not enough to just have one token women to tick the equality box. There must be a quantitive amount of women in powerful positions. It is known that you hire others who remind you of yourself, but we need diversity and a true representation of the public if we want a fair society. It is definitely a domino effect, we must get more women (equal to men seeing as women represent over 50% of the population) behind the scenes in advertising, directing, editorial, tv, politics, teaching, business etc. the history of women must be taught in depth in schools and the facts of today's women of power must be taught so that the younger generations still have the drive to challenge the current ways in order to achieve equality.
I decided to look back over my essay and change direction to binge drinking in today's culture. This is a huge part of our culture and it is most often thought of as normal and even if people see it as an issue, they often still partake in it. I will be using Hogarths moral series 'Gin Lane' and 'Beer Street' as my inspiration and motivation to create some greatly skilled, slightly satirical, visually interesting, and morally guiding, illustrations.
Problem- what is it? who's problem is it?
What am I trying to do?
Who are the clients? Who wont they be?
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