I had to use a lot of reference images for my work because I wanted to portray the British population as varied and diverse. Taking my own photographs would have lacked the diversity and also may have had to be staged so would not hold the validity of most of these reference images of actually intoxicated people. However I did use some primary photographs of my friends and others on nights out in my piece.

There were almost too many images to choose from, which just highlights how much of a major part binge drinking plays in our society. I used these images by just picking key parts out and drawing them into my flag, it would not work to draw the entire image so it was crucial that I had many to choose from so that I could position and interact the right images against each other in my set of illustrations to form the one illustrated flag. To create a flag image from afar, my set of intoxicated illustrations need to be concisely interlocked with only small amounts of white whilst still fitting to the flags constraints and guidelines. As I am drawing my final piece straight onto the paper with pen, so as not to smudge any pen lines if I were to draw it first in pencil and then have to rub it out, I must ensure precision and careful thought continuously when drawing so that the white borders remain mostly mark free and that the red and blue areas remain unspoiled.
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